Page:Natural history of the farm.djvu/12

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27. Nature’s offerings for spring planting p. 195 with study 27 on page 202
28. A cut-over wood-land thicket “ 205 28 207
29. Wild spring flowers of the farm “ 208 29 212
30. What goes on in the apple blossoms “ 213 30 216
31. The song birds of the farm “ 219 31 225
32. The early summer landscape “ 223 32 226

Individual Exercises for the Spring Term (Optionals)

 6. A calendar of bird return page 228
 7. A calendar of spring growth 229
 8. A calendar of spring flowers 229
 9. Noteworthy wild flower beds of the farm 230
10. Noteworthy flowering shrubs of the farm 230



33. The progress of the season page 233, , with Study 33 on page 236
34. The clovers “ 237 34 241
35. Wild aromatic herbs of the farm “ 243 35 250
36. The trees in summer “ 252 36 254
37. Weeds of the field “ 257 37 263
38. Summer wild flowers “ 264 38 267
39. Some insects at work on farm crops “ 268 39 272
40. Insects molesting farm animals “ 274 40 279
41. Out in the rain “ 281 41 283
42. The vines of the farm “ 285 42 290
43. The swale “ 291 43 295
44. The brambles of the farm “ 296 44 300
45. The population of an old apple tree “ 302 45 306
46. The little brook gone dry “ 307 46 311
47. Swimming holes “ 312 47 315
48. Winding roads “ 316 48 319

Individual Exercises for the Summer Term (Optionals)

11. A grass calendar page 321
12. A calendar of summer wild flowers “ 322
13. A calendar of bird nesting “ 323
14. Best crops of the farm “ 324
15. A corn record “ 325
Outdoor Equipment page 326
Index 333