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Nov. 4, 1869]

The most complete Encyclopedia in the English Language.


The uew Re-isue af the EXGnsH CycLor.epla is now complete, and the publication of the supplementary inatter, bringin: meh Division down to the latest date, has commenced, Uno vonstitutings this Work the newest and imost cuniplete Cyelopaedia

in the Janguaye.

Each Division is a perfect work Dy itsell, apart fram: the set.

THE SUPUIEMENTARY VOLUME oF GhoGrarny, now ready, clith, rs ‘he other Supplements will fullow immediately.

Complete, with Separate Index.

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luth (itl as no5 vohuues, fte. cluth (vith Supplement) So tice 2 17 6 GEOGRAPHY. . . . | ae v7 a Uollgalewxtc 2 2s 2 = om ¢ S 3 4 9 f <2 “ Talred rossia. ¢ a 8 5 x 3 6 <o { Pa | * ty NOE a ew "3 22 0 NATURAL HISTORY . |: - Fe ISTE CODE sexticainmee 7 le al eens OIRO { ss . 5 baler eae. on cer we cs 2 2 3 { RaLae) 3 s Guth tse & WA o SR @ & By Is © ARTS AND SCIENCES .- .. 4 es » half gall extra ij © SR Ye 5 5 12 oO { coud x aq halve) = 3 & fo 8 4 ke x % 310 0 ( 8 ss » Sth ee g ea ee ee ow 6S UF CO BIOGRAPHY . 0k aw wl we 3 i. 5 halfealbexteu. «© © em ou w x 6 3 12 6 tou ‘ 9 halfretl Ws ee 2 we OU, | CU IS OG

The Supplementary Volumes as they are produced will be extra to the above prices.

Quarterly Review.—"The ‘Baglish Cycdopadia' is a work that, a whole, has no sitperiur, and very Few equals, of ity Kind; that, tskeu by iisclf, supplies the place of a smali tihcary, and, used iy a Jarge brary, is found to present many potats of imfortation thal are sought in vain in many other Cyclopardias inthe lngtish language.”

The Times.—"As regards the contents of this Cyclopuedia, it is Inpossilile to give any sufficient Impression of an aggregate which includes somewhere or other al the infermation geucrally required poo every couceivable topic. The most complete Biegraphical Dictionary in the lneglish language."

Saturday Review.—"Its great recommendation is not is comparative cheapness though the cost unly averages about half. Joga n yulupe , but its otiginality, completencss, and general trustworthiness."

Macmillan's Magazine.—"Whoever wets au Encyclopedia, extensive and yet chop, and compiled throughout on the principle of compendions and accunae iiformation vn alt subjects rather than on that of collected individual dissertutions, crpagt da better than procure the ' Rnglish Cyelopadia’ of Mr. Charles Knight."

Daily News.—"In its conplcted form, the ‘English Cyctopadia’ is destined, we are sure, to prove of imupense valus. Le iy well written, and its vant stores of kinnvledue acc so arranged as (o be readity accessible, tis so copiwus that the student need wut doubt dhat he will find the jofarmation he nay reasonably expect io a work which is uflered ty him as a New Dictionary of Universal Knowledge."



Illustrated with upwards of One Thousand Steel and Wood Engravings, with an elaborate Index, and an Appendix brought down to 1867.

Yu S volumes, cloth. . . . . % ee

  • in half calf, extra yilt. . .

So a) sae ce ee price

12) o

So my ner Go Ae Ben i& ot ie

This new Edition of, perhaps, the most valued and complete History of England in the language, is designed, as to detail, to be, in its appearance, more accordant with its position as an indispensable standard book for the library. The principal points of difference from former issues are: ‘he worl “ Popular” (sornetimes misinterpreted) is expunged from the title; the paper is improved ; a larger margin is allowed; the ifustrations are printed on tuned papers a full classifted’ Index completes Vol. VIL; and the annals are brought down to the close of 1867.

Lord Brougham.—"The plates, as well as the paper, are greatly superior, and its literary merits are of a very high order, Indeed, nothing has ever appeared superior, if anything has been published equal, to the account of the state of commerce, government, and society at different periods."

The Times.—"This is the History for English youth."

Westminster Review.—"It is as good a book of the kind as ever was written."

Athenæum—"We kuyuw of na History of England so free from pre- judiec, so thorough!y hanest and impartial, so stored with facts, fancies, and lustrations."

All the Year Round.—"So ubserves Mr. Chacles Kinght in his acdois rably comprehensive Poplar History of Englund,’ from which no topic that concerns the histury of the Engtish people—not ever this question of the history. of parish registers—has been onjtted! that bovk of Mr. Knighr’s being, Jet us say here, by the way, the best history extant, not only for, bur also of, the people."

Nonconformist.—"Henceforward a boy may lean English History without che springs of knowledge being poisoned at their fouats, Hence. forward we hope t see Jess and fess vf Goldsmith and Jace, and more and nere of Knight."