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[Nov. 4. 1869

38 NATURE WILLIAM LADD, II & 12, BEAK STREET, REGENT STREET, W., [Vor. 4. 1869 (Scientific Instrument Maker by Appointment to the Royal Institution of Great Britain,) Manufactures Scientific Instruments of every description, including MICROSCOPES, TELESCOPES, SPECTROSCOPES, INDUCTORIUMS, And all Instruments for Philosophical research. CATALOGUES FORWARDED FOR TWO STAMPS CROUCH'S STUDENT'S BINOCULAR. Price £10 10s., £12, and £15 15s. NEW GLASS CONCENTRIC STAGE, Extra 21s. (Se Catalogue.) "It is one of the best instruments of its class; and the Author, after considerable use of it, can strongly recommend it to such as desire in possess a Binocular at once cheap, good, and portable."-Carpenter on the Nurascope, Last Edition. OBSE TRADE EVE. MATUC CROUCH'S UNIVERSAL PARABOLIC ILLUMINATOR, free by post. £ s. 6d. It is the best Illnoinator for Opaque Objects, buth by day and artificial light. Catalogues (Illustratedy of Microscopes, Accessories, Cabinets, &c. on receipt of Three Stamps. HENRY CROUCH, 54, LONDON WALL, E.C. ORIENTAL TOOTH TOOTH PASTE. Established Forty Years as the most agreeable and effectual PRESERVATIVE of the TEETHI and GUMS. Sold universally in Pots at 15. 6d. and 2s. 6d. None genuine unless signed, Brown MANCHESTER. CADBURY'S COCOA ESSENCE. Conga casily prepared; economical abont three times the end of the best Consortioily sold: free from the extes fat muter, and recommended ly meal men as the art bo one breakfast hver uge wely examined files et der er sine, and find that they are gemine, and that the tang of so is in what it is declared to be by MY BOTIN "waited 103, w, w expet, prose to be one of the mod nutritious, digestible, und restorative of Glish Menical Journal MACMILLAN & CO.'S PUBLICATIONS. SPECTRUM With Appendices, PROFESSOR ROSCOE'S ANALYSIS." Lectures delivered in 1868. Engravings, Maps, and Chromo-lithographs of the Spectra of the Chemical Elements and Heavenly Bodies. Royal Svo. 215. FORCE AND NATURE: ATTRACTION AND REPULSION, The Radical Principles of Energy gra- phically discussed in their Relation to Physical and Morphological Development. By C. F. WINSLOW, M.D. Svo. 145. Dr. Winslow's treatise is one which deserves thoughtful and conscientious study."Saturday Review. Second Edition, this day. & MR. WALLACE'S MALAY ARCHI- PELAGO The Land of the Orang-Utan and the Hird of Paradise. A Narrative of Travel, with Studies of Men and Nature. Two Vols. Crown Svo. With Nine Maps and more ahan 50 Illustrations, 245. "A vivid picture of tropical life, which may be read with unflagging interest. and a sufficient account of his scientific conclusions to stimulate our appetite without wearying us by detail In short, we may safely say that we have seldom read a more agreeable hook of its kind."-Saturday Review MACMILLAN & CO. LONDON. MATHEMATICS FOR LADIES. Mrs. BOOLE is desirous of obtaining a few PUPILS (either singly or in classes) in Arithmetic, Algebra, Analytical Geometry, the Infferential Calculus, &e, Address, are of Messrs. MACMILLAN & Co. 16, Bedford Street, Covent Garden, W.C. THE MINIATURE SPECTROSCOPE. This Instrument will show many of Fraunhofer's Lines, the Iright Lines of the Metals and Gases, and the Absorption Bauds in Coloured Gases, Crystals, or Liquidis. Price, with Five Prisms. 5.9 C with Achromatic Lenses, adjustable slit... 20 These Instruments can be adapted to the Alienscripe; price Gr 25. and L2 125. 67. New Illustrated Catalogue of Spectroscopes for 3 Stamps. JOHN BROWNING, Optical and Physical Instrument Maker to the Royal Observatory. &c. &c. . Minories, London, EC. MARS. Four Stereograms of a Globe of the I'lanet Mars, by JOIN BROWNING, with a Chart of Mars on Mer- cator's Projection, and Descriptive Remarks on the stereograms by R. A. PROCTOR, BA FRAH. Post free. Six Shillings; sagle Stereograms, with Chart and Description, Two Shillings. JOHN BROWNING, , Miuries, London, EC. CURES OF ASTHMA, COUGHS, AND DISEASES OF THE CHEST BY DR. LOCOCK'S WAFERS. From G. M. TWFDDLE, F.RS.N.A. & F.S.AS. Author of " Shakspeare, l Times, &c." "Stakester. k, Feb. 8, 1869 I have always found them to give immediate relief to myself, my wife, and children, and witnessed their good effects on my friends who were asthmatical.' Price rs, per Box. Sold by all Druggists. MINERALOGY AND MINING. Royal School of Mines, Jermyn Street. Mr. WARINGTON W. SMYTH, M.A. F.RS. will commence a Course of FORTY LECTURES on MINERA- LOGY at One o'clock, and SIXTY LECTURES on MINING at Half-past Three o'clock, on Monday, the 8th of November, to le continued on each succeeding Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Monday, at the same bours. Fee for cach Course 47. TRENHAM REEKS, Registrar.