Page:Ned Wilding's Disappearance.djvu/114

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and sofas in the reception hall and parlor were piles of clothing.

"Is anything the matter?" asked Ned.

"Mr. Kenfield has suddenly been called to Europe," the girl said. "He has to go aboard the steamer to-night, and he must pack up at once. He has gone down town on a matter of business but he'll soon be back. Your aunt is expecting you. She's upstairs. I'll show you."

The girl led Ned to Mrs. Kenfield's room.

"Oh, Ned, I had forgotten all about you!" his aunt exclaimed. "I'm so glad to see you, but I'm sorry we're so upset. However, it will be over in a few hours, and when your uncle is off on the steamer you and I can sit down and talk. I want you to tell me all about Darewell and how your father is. I haven't seen him in so long! My! but you're the perfect image of him. How are you?"

"Very well, aunt," Ned replied. "Can I do anything to help you? '

"No, we are almost packed, or, rather your uncle is. He has to take quite a lot of things, as he doesn't know how long he may have to stay. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll see about another trunk."

Mr. Kenfield returned to the house in about an