Page:Ned Wilding's Disappearance.djvu/187

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"Probably some poor homeless wanderer," replied Fenn. "Tough luck, to be without a home on a night like this."

"I only hope Ned isn't in any such plight," spoke Bart.

"Why should he be?" asked Fenn. "He had plenty of money when he left home."

"You can never tell what will happen in New York," replied Fenn with a wise look, which, though he did not appreciate it, was quite a truthful remark.

In about an hour Dr. Smithers came out. He seemed well pleased with what he had accomplished.

"I think we'll pull him through," he said, rubbing his hands. "It was a close call. If you had been five minutes later he would probably have been past human aid."

"Could he tell you anything of himself, doctor?" asked Frank.

"Oh, no. He has not yet fully recovered consciousness. But he will be pretty well in the morning, unless something unforeseen sets in. In the meanwhile he must be kept perfectly quiet. On no account must he be disturbed. One of the chambermaids will watch him during the night. I