Page:Ned Wilding's Disappearance.djvu/201

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dollars, which made him feel quite like a capitalist, as he shut the door of his lodging-house room that night.

The three chums, who wanted to find John Newton had no trouble. They met him coming from the rear of the theater, as he had done his "turn," and was not to go on again for three hours.

The "Bird Warbler" was as much surprised to see his former acquaintances from Darewell as they were to find him engaged at a theater.

"I'm studying to be an actor," John said, "but it's dull times now and I took this job. It pays pretty well."

"I never knew you could whistle good enough for this work," said Fenn.

"It comes natural I guess," replied John. "But what are you chaps doing in New York?"

They told him, and Bart suggested that perhaps John might happen to see Ned.

"If I do I'll let you know," the "warbler" replied. "Where are you stopping?"

"At the Imperial," replied Bart. "You might telephone us if you hear anything of Ned."

"I will. Come and have a glass of soda with