Page:Ned Wilding's Disappearance.djvu/219

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better. But there was this disadvantage, that he was more closely observed. On the crowded avenue a running lad attracts little attention, but when more plainly in sight, as Ned now was, he becomes an object of interest.

As he ran he looked back over his shoulder to see if Cassidy was in sight. Past several houses Ned kept on, and his pursuer did not appear around the corner. Then, just as he came in front of a big tenement house Ned saw Cassidy some distance in the rear.

"I guess I'll go in here!" thought the boy. "Maybe I can slip out of the back before he gets here and that will fool him. I'm going to try!"

He darted into the hallway, but, before he had gone three steps he collided with an old man who, at that instant, was coming from his room into the corridor. The shock threw the old man down, and Ned could scarcely retain his balance.

"Excuse me!" he exclaimed, pausing, when he had recovered his equilibrium, to help the aged man to his feet. "I'm sorry," and then he started to run through the hallway.

"Here! Vait a minute!" the man exclaimed. "Are you tryin' to rob me? I dinks you are a t'eef! Hold on! Vait until I see if you haf taken my vatch!"