Page:Ned Wilding's Disappearance.djvu/229

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"Say, did I hire you to chin or to carry in oranges?" asked the fruit man, suddenly appearing in the doorway, and noting William talking to the three boys.

"Guess I'll have to give up the job," replied William. "I've got to go with these boys."

"Say, there must be a hoodoo about this job," the fruit man exclaimed. "You're the second boy to give it up in less than an hour. What's the matter?"

The boys did not think it necessary to explain. It was arranged that Frank would stay in the vicinity of the store to meet Mr. Wilding, if that gentleman should arrive, and tell what had happened, while William, with Bart and Fenn, tried to trace Ned and the red-moustached man.

"When Mr. Wilding comes I'll take him to our hotel," said Frank. "There will be no use in remaining here and we can wait for you there, as it's nearer than his."

"All right," replied Bart. "We may have some good news for you."

"I hope you do," Frank said. "This thing is getting on my nerves. I'm afraid we'll never see Ned again."

"Oh, yes we will," put in Fenn cheerfully.

William did not stop to ask any pay from the