Page:Ned Wilding's Disappearance.djvu/247

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"They suspect us of blowing up the school tower!" exclaimed Frank.

"Oh, that!" cried Mr. Wilding. "I guess I forgot to tell you about that, I was so busy thinking of Ned. That's all cleared up!"

"How?" asked Bart.

They found out it was done by a wicked boy named Peter Sanderson. He thought it was a joke to set off a dynamite cartridge, but he found out it wasn't. He's been sent to the reform school and his father has to pay a big bill for damages. I got a letter from Fenn's father this morning, telling me all about it. So you boys can go home with everything cleared up."

"And we'll take William with us," said Bart.

"Yes, of course. I guess William's troubles are over too. We need a boy in the bank, and I think he will fill the bill," and Mr. Wilding laughed.

They were all so excited that none of them slept well that night, but they were up early and started back for Darewell.

Ned rather expected his father would express regret at the loss of the hundred dollars, for Detective Reilly said there was little chance of the money ever being recovered. Mr. Wilding, how-