Page:Ned Wilding's Disappearance.djvu/41

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wind seemed fairly to carry them forward, though it was hard to struggle through the drifts they encountered every once in a while. As they had no particular path to take, they avoided the big hummocks of snow as much as they could.

"I'll have to stop!" declared Fenn, after a bit of hard pulling. "My wind's giving out!"

"I wish the wind up above would," murmured Bart as he tried to peer through the clouds of flakes to see where they were.

"Let's stay here," suggested Fenn. "If we've got to camp in the storm this place is as good as any."

"That's what I say," remarked Frank. "This seems to be well sheltered."

There came a momentary let-up to the gale. The snow did not seem to fall so thickly and the boys eagerly looked around them.

"There's something over that way!" cried Ned, pointing to the left. "It looked like a barn or house. Let's try for it!"

Then the wind swept down on them again, blotting out, in the swirl of flakes, whatever Ned had seen. But he had an idea of the direction it was in, and started off toward it.

"Here, come back and help pull the sled!" cried Bart, and the four boys, led by Ned, dragged