Page:Ned Wilding's Disappearance.djvu/51

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every night!' and, unable to keep her feelings in control the widow burst into tears.

It was rather an awkward moment for the boys, but little Mary saved the day.

"I'm going to New York!" she exclaimed. "I'm goin' right now with these nice boys. They can pull me on their sled!" and she ran to get her bonnet and cloak.

This raised a laugh, and Mrs. Perry recovered her composure.

"Not now, dear," she said. "Sometime, maybe," and she smiled through her tears.

"Well, we must be going," remarked Fenn. "We're ever so much obliged to you."

"Indeed, I am in your debt," the widow replied. "If you are ever out this way again come and see us."

"We will!" the boys cried as they put on their things and started off with the sled. It was lighter now that the load of camp food and much of the game was off, though the boys found it heavy enough before they had gone a couple of miles. But they were determined to reach home as soon as possible and kept on.

"Pretty tough, eh?" remarked Ned, after a silence of several minutes, as he nodded back in the direction of the cabin.