Page:Ned Wilding's Disappearance.djvu/76

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"If we let you tell it," interposed Frank.

The hall soon filled up and the entertainment was started. There was vocal and instrumental music and recitations. Jennie Smith rendered "Horatius at the Bridge" with all the energy she was capable of, and the four chums applauded vigorously.

The wind was increasing in violence, and it rattled the windows so that at times it interfered with the singing. The janitor went about tightening the fastenings.

"It's going to be a bad storm," Bart heard the man murmur as he adjusted the catches. "I hope it doesn't blow some of the chimneys down. One or two of 'em need pointing up, for the mortar's most out of 'em."

"Is there any danger?" asked Bart in a whisper.

"No, I hope not. The old tower—" but what the janitor would have said about the tower Bart did not hear, for the man had passed on and there came the chorus of a song which drowned his words.

But the janitor's prophecy seemed likely to be true. The noise of the wind could be heard more plainly now. The windows did not rattle so much after being attended to, but the gale fairly made