“And the white men dance with the colored women. Now you know, Helga Crane, that can mean only one thing.” Anne‘s voice was trembling with cold hatred. As she ended, she made a little clicking noise with her tongue, indicating an abhorrence too great for words.
“Don‘t the colored men dance with the white women, or do they sit about, impolitely, while the other men dance with their women?” inquired Helga very softly, and with a slowness approaching almost to insolence. Anne‘s insinuations were too revolting. She had a slightly sickish feeling, and a flash of anger touched her. She mastered it and ignored Anne‘s inadequate answer.
“It‘s the principle of the thing that I object to. You can‘t get round the fact that her behavior is outrageous, treacherous, in fact. That‘s what‘s the matter with the Negro race. They won‘t stick together. She certainly ought to be ostracized. I‘ve nothing but contempt for her, as has every other self-respecting Negro.”