I suggest we start from scratch in discussing international relations, and do so on the 'societal' pattern of mankind without using the traditional split into 'international law', 'international politics', 'world trade', 'history', etc. Let us regard - thus continuing the Utilitarian approach-the whole fabric of international human relation as producing human happiness and unhappiness.
Our traditional states are essentially based on military and police authority which cover the same area as the health authority, the administration of taxes and customs, and the administration of justice. (Also some people abroad depend upon these authorities.) It can hardly be expected that these powerful beasts will be 'domesticated'. Why could new types of organizations not arise? We know from the Middle Ages how 'overlapping' authorities can work. There could be international organizations, which would be responsible for the administration of the main natural resources, e.g. an organization dealing with iron, others with coffee, rubber or foodstuffs which could act as members of an international planning board - such organizations could be in action before a world commonwealth would be organized. Irrespective of the organization of production and distribution in single countries, such international centers presumably would fundamentally reduce many tensions.
Let us take an example. Should traditional trade continue after the war, the Balkan states and Argentina would depend upon Germany in one way or another, but if there were an international center 'pooling' all kinds of foodstuffs, the Balkan states and Argentina, whatever their inner structure might then be, would deliver their surplus in foodstuffs to this center, which for its part would supply Germany and other countries with foodstuffs from the world stores. In this way a relation between Germany and the world center would be created. We may call this the 'internationalization' of supply, which, as we see it, could be organized without very much changing the inner structure of states. A centralized system in the respective countries of export and import would be sufficient for this purpose. It is not likely that after this war the victorious Allies will allow even a reformed Germany to be in a position to dispose of German steel production. Any kind of 'internationalization' would help in solving this problem. It is manifest that many groups will try to influence the activities of these centers dealing with supply - the trade unions and cooperatives will be interested in these problems, as will all