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I refer to the arrival of our guest, Captain Periwinkle, from another southern continent almost as large as our own, a great portion of which is now peopled by a race similar to ourselves. As far as we know, the event is without a parallel, and very probably may not be repeated for ages; yet it shows that communication with the other great divisions of our planet is not altogether impossible, although it is known the opportunities occur only at rare intervals. That some of our own people have reached other -lands is beyond question, yet not one has ever been able to return to tell the tale. I trust that Captain Periwinkle will find the conditions of life in Neuroomia sufficiently favourable to induce him to remain with us. However, should he eventually desire to return to his own land, of which he has doubtless many pleasant recollections, the Government will be pleased to assist him in every way possible."

He then referred to the annual ball, the improvements and discoveries of the year, their continued prosperity, the approaching general election, the policy of the Government, and the brightness of their future prospects. The Governors then made short speeches, and the meeting proved a happy affair.