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the broken ice; however, he believed that it was now probably too late in the summer to attempt to get through the icefields, but that the principal geographer would be able to give me information about the matter.

The people now began to come in from the ballroom, for the second banquet was nearly ready, and the President left to take his seat at the principal table; so I went back to seek Vandalia and her father, to tell them that I would not be returning with them to Tehana. The music had ceased, and the ball was over; still, there was a large number of people in the room, and among them I noticed Louva in earnest conversation with her friend. I met the Governor and his daughter coming towards the door, and returned with them to the banquet-room. Yeyema took his seat at the head of his table, and I sat beside Vandalia, and told her of my intended visit to the Penguin, and the possibility of my leaving Neuroomia at an early date. She said that I should at least remain till the following summer, and take a holiday after my sickness, for I could not as yet be very strong.

I liked the idea of having a holiday and seeing more of Neuroomia, and deeply regretted leaving Vandalia and the many kind friends I had made