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"No," was the reply; "it was generated through volcanic action, and will very probably cease to flow, or at least become frozen over, when the agency of subterranean heat is wholly or partially withdrawn. However," he continued, "while it is in motion there must be another counter-current leading from it on the neighbouring channels to the Great Southern Ocean."

I thought for a moment what a grand place that current would be for Septimus.

"It would, then, be possible for me to navigate my vessel back into the open sea if I so desired?" I remarked.

"Yes," was the answer. "It is almost a certainty that at the present moment there is a channel free from any obstruction leading right through the icefield to the open ocean," He continued: "The country has not been surveyed since the earthquake; however, on our return it is the intention of the Government to send out several exploring parties, who will report upon the change and draw physical maps of the territory. I say on our return," he went on, "for it is my intention, if you desire it, to accompany you back to the vessel."

I replied that I should be delighted to have