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growth, and we were surrounded by snowy peaks resplendent in their robes of dazzling purity. The vegetation had changed, and the air became much sharper. The sun, however, was warm, and we felt comfortable and vigorous. A small green, grassy flat was chosen for our encampment. Here a fire was lit, and the food prepared.

Thus we travelled on through the mountains, making prolonged halts where we found the grass plentiful; but as the halting-places were often far from each other, we had frequently to make long journeys without stopping. Eventually, however, we got a glimpse of the great icefield, though it was still a long distance off.

We now began to descend, and soon found ourselves in the broken volcanic country at the foot of the chain. We crossed over it, steering for the "Penguin Channel," which I named after the vessel, and Yondozi agreed that it should be known by that name in future. We reached it in due course, and I felt happier at the idea of seeing the Penguin again. I knew exactly where she was, by the little hill not a great distance ahead. We did not follow the channel round, as it was curved, but made straight for the hill. I urged my beast forward, and the others followed my example.