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it. On this were inscribed certain characters in the Neuroomian tongue, which they easily deciphered. (I should, however, have mentioned that the art of communicating with one another by written characters was known to the tribes of Neuroomia from a very early period, and is said to have been taught them by the loved Molopozi.) But to resume. The writing was done by the hand of Gulpanzi, and gave an account of the wanderings of Wawena and himself.

"After leaving Neuroomia, they experienced no serious trouble from the ice, which they left far behind, and found themselves in a great open sea—how great, it was, indeed, impossible to tell, but quite free from ice. They, however, wandered on, and passed many regions that were beautiful. Sometimes they landed, but left again, as these lands were inhabited by a people whose skins were black, and who killed each other.

"On, on they wandered, till they found a region without any people, where the sun kept constantly rising out of, and setting again in, the water. This land was beautiful and fruitful, so they loved it, and left it not, but made it their home, and were very happy."

"Have they preserved this MS.?" I inquired.