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thoroughly. Shortly afterwards all was tranquillity, and the Dorondoro proceeded as before, but with a sleeping cargo.

On waking, I felt my joints exceptionally stiff, and little inclined to get up; so I laid in bed and began to meditate. Alvarez was uppermost in my thoughts. Perhaps, after all, I had allowed myself to be too much worried over seeing her with, and apparently attached to, Omalonzi, and should not have avoided her; besides, had she not a perfect right to keep company with whomsoever she pleased. I could now plainly see that I had used bad judgment in this matter, and would endeavour to make amends before it was too late. Yes, I would seek out Alvarez, and try, at least, to be as friendly with her as before; and with regard to Omalonzi—well, perhaps it would be as well to take no notice of him.

I now heard a tapping at my door, and called out, "Come in," whereupon it opened slowly, and Yondozi made his appearance.

He said that he had looked in to see if I were unwell, as he had been wondering why I was not up.

"Are the others up?" I inquired.

Yes, the others had been up for some time, and