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dance with Fudelora and a few others, I songht out my apartments, for I felt tired and sleepy.

Still I lay awake for some time thinking of the events of the past, and when I did fall into a heavy slumber, many beautiful faces presented themselves to my imagination in dreamland. I did not awake till aroused by the tinkling of a small machine in my room.

Now in Neuroomia it is not the custom, except on momentous occasions, to disturb sleepers until they have had their fill, so I knew that some important movement was impending, and was up in an instant.

On going out, I learned that a number of the guests were preparing for a trip to some interesting part in the neighbourhood, and were desirous that I should be one of the company. Of course this was agreeable news for me, so I lost no time in partaking of some luncheon, then mounted my flanilla, and we made a start.

Our route for some distance was through hills and hollows, evidently the result of volcanic agency, the country everywhere being in a high state of cultivation; homestead after homestead, nestling dreamily in the surrounding groves, was passed, and the winding road gradually ascended till we reached the top of what appeared to be a moderately elevated