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gorgeous spectacle as was now presented to our view. The room was lofty, and of stupendous dimensions. There were rows of seats in front, and tiers of seats on the three sides, one rising above the other to a considerable height. The oval roof was supported by golden columns, which ran round the whole building, and the tapestry was of the richest character, and, indeed, ineffable. There were no stalls, pit, or galleries, and no difference in price, the seats being so arranged as to make the matter of choice of little importance.

My attention, however, was attracted by the stage, with its magnificent curtains and hangings. It was now vacant, and we took the first empty seats we came to, Vandalia showing no anxiety to get to the front. Indeed, there were many empty places near the stage, while a number of those near the door were occupied. This surprised me, and I asked of Vandalia, if there happened to be a crowded house, would there not be a rush for the front seats?

"No," she replied. "Some people like to sit near the stage, but others again prefer to be some distance away, while a proceeding of the kind you have mentioned would be considered selfishness on the part of those concerned, and this would not be