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time I found it to be tiring and wearisome, especially when I kept closely confined to the work for lengthened periods without diversion, and was very glad when my friend Yondozi appeared on the scene. I showed him the result of my seclusion as far as I had gone. He appeared pleased with it, and gave me some valuable suggestions, saying that what the Government and public would appreciate was exactness in every chapter, and that it would be better to omit a circumstance or event rather than hazard a guess. He also stated that he could understand the difficulty under which I laboured, writing wholly from memory, and if ever I should happen to be doubtful about date, place, or number concerning any event, it would be better to state the fact in every instance.

I now decided to take a brief holiday, and we went over the grounds together. The seeds I had sown were growing well, and, thanks to the instructions of Bashipolo, I was acquiring a knowledge of farming and grazing that proved doubly acceptable and interesting after my confinement indoors.