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before. However," he continued, "you will get accustomed to it gradually, and, after a time, will feel the effects but little."

"Yes," I said, by way of response. "But tell me that what I saw was real; pledge me there was no deception in the matter."

He gave me a surprised look, and was silent for a moment; then quietly remarked, although not altogether in his usual tone,—

"The scientists of Neuroomia do not try to deceive."

"Pardon me," I said, "but I cannot yet realize it all,—it seems so much like a dream. I did not make the remark reflectively, but felt it would be a relief if you confirmed what I saw."

"I can imagine that now," he said, in his usual sympathetic voice, "and accept your explanation. What you have seen is indeed wonderful," he went on; "but if you feel interested, as I doubt not you do, the things to be learnt about this bright wanderer of the heavens are even more wonderful than all you have beheld. However, you appear to be uneasy; the shock and the effects of the instrument have proved too much for your strength. We shall go down to Yondozi, and dine with him."

I replied that already I felt better, and rose to