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dwelling. I entered the gateway and met Ilaclatella (her father) at the door. He gave me a hearty reception, and in due time I found myself alone with Louva in a gorgeously decorated room. She took her seat in front of a large stringed instrument that reminded me of a piano, played sweetly, and sang like the birds of Neuroomia. She had thick, wavy, black hair, and large hazel laughing eyes. However, her principal charm was her complexion, and I thought her the handsomest girl I had yet seen in Atazatlan. She made inquiries about the Penguin and the frozen lands beyond Neuroomia; also about the great oceans I had traversed, and appeared pleased when I told her that at present I had no intention of returning to the regions from whence I came. Indeed, I fancied that she began to look upon me as a hero, and felt there was a kind of mute sympathy between us which instilled confidence, and made her company agreeable and entertaining in the highest degree.

The hour for dining having arrived, we joined the family circle. I felt in the highest spirits, and to impress Ilaclatella with the grandeur of the world I had left, for I never believed in acting the part of a cynic, I told him of the great fortunes of the Astors, Vanderbilts, Jay Gould, the Duke of West-