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the holidays are over, the people work with renewed energy, and for a time probably longer hours. The true cause of the length of our holiday is that the fall with us is not a busy time. The harvesting is over, and little remains to be done till the sun has set and in some instances for some time after. It is during the succeeding period of twilight that the ground is prepared and the seed sown for the following year.”

“Then it is not too dark to work,” I remarked.

“No” was the reply; “this period is the working season in Neuroomia—the busy time of our year. Then the mines and manufactories of various kinds are working full time—deducting, of course, the intervals set apart for eating and sleeping. Then the roads and metal lines are improved and fresh ones commenced, ships are built, schools are in operation, and learned men at their duties. Then, too, our Parliament commences its sittings, writers and poets repair to their studios, and nearly all the places of amusement are closed. Of course there are certain occupations that must be carried on uninterruptedly, but that difficulty is got over by our relieving system.”

“Does the Government, then, fix the hours of labour?” I inquired.