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The New-York Organ: A Family Companion

with profound sorrow, and we fear that many a family in the large and respectable congregation of Dr. Spring will have reason to mourn hereafter that their sons received their ideas of the temperance reform from the lips of their pastor. We fear no fruits of life and peace and joy can ever spring from such teachings as the Brick Church people listened to on the 6th of June. Forty years long has Dr. Spring led his flock through the wilderness and the desert, and now that the green and fragrant fields of the promised land are brought nigh by the Maine Law, it seems a pity that he and they should not enter with the rejoicing hosts of temperance into the Canaan of our hopes, instead of halting and perishing on the wrong side of Jordan.

In Death Not Divided.

There is something inexpressively touching in the last hours of the celebrated Niebuhr and his devoted wife who followed him in a few days. We quote from his memoir, lately published:

His illness lasted a week, and was pronounced, on the fourth day, to be a decided attack of inflammation on the lungs. His hopes sank at first, but rose with his increasing danger and weakness; even on the morning of the last day he said, “I can still recover.” Two days before, his faithful wife, who had exerted herself beyond her strength in nursing him, fell ill and was obliged to leave him. He then turned his face to the wall, and exclaimed, with the most painful presentiment, “Hapless house! To lose father and mother at once!” And to the children he said, “Pray to God, children! He alone can help us!” And his attendants saw that he himself was seeking comfort and strength in silent prayer. * * *

On the afternoon of the 1st of January, 1831, he sank into a dreamy slumber; once on awakening, he said that pleasant images floated before him in his sleep; now and then he spoke French in his dreams, probably he felt himself in the presence of his departed friend, De Serre. As the night gathered, consciousness gradually disappeared, he woke up once more about midnight, when the last remedy was administered; he recognized in it a medicine of doubtful operation, never resorted to but in extreme cases, and said in a faint voice, “What essential substance is this? Am I so far gone?” These were his last words; he sank back on his pillow, and within an hour his noble heart had ceased to beat.

Niebuhr’s wife died nine days after him, on the 11th of the same month, about the same hour of the night. She died, in fact, of a broken heart, though her disease was, like his, an inflammation of the chest. She could shed no tears, though she longed for them, and prayed God to send them; once her eyes grew moist, when his picture was brought to her at her own request, but they dried again, and her heavy heart was not relieved. She had her children often with her, particularly her son, and gave them her parting counsels. And so her loving and pure soul went home to God. Both rest in one grave, over which the present King of Prussia has erected a monument to the memory of his former instructor and counsellor. The children were placed under the care of Madame Hensler, at Kiel.

How melancholy would be these partings of true and loving hearts at the grave, were we uncheered by the belief of a happy reunion in a world where farewells are not spoken and bereavement unknown.

Destructive Fire.—About half-past one o’clock on Tuesday morning a fire broke out in the third story of the building on the corner of Pearl and Broad Streets—known as “Washington’s Head Quarters.” It is feared that several lives have been lost, as many of the inmates cannot be found. One man, named Lane, a porter, is known to be buried under the ruins.

The building in which the fire occurred is generally known throughout the city. It was in one of its rooms that Washington took his farewell of the officers of his army, at the close of the revolutionary war. It was erected about the middle of the last century, and its foundation is probably the oldest in this city. An evidence of the strength of the material used, and the firm manner in which it was erected, is found in the fact that, though it was a corner building, but a small portion of the walls fell down.

Decided Stand.—The temperance men of South Camden, N. J., have resolved to vote for no man for the Legislature who will not pledge himself in favor of temperance reform.

The Married State.

“People who sigh and whine and cry over the ‘hand of fate’ that interferes between them and some loved one, would find, after a or few months or years of married experience, that those ‘congenial dispositions’ would become disgusted with each other, and a dog and cat life would follow, for ‘the balance of the season.’ ”

The above sentiment was written by one whose experience and observation entitled him to be a judge of the matter in question, and doubtless thousands could respond and acknowledge the truth of the humiliating statement. But, it may be asked, have those snarling and discontented specimens of humanity, who attempt to degrade and bring into disrepute the most sacred and holy of all earthly ties, have they ever traced out the cause of and applied the cure for the vexations and disappointments that sometimes follow marriage?

The hasty and thoughtless manner in which many enter the matrimonial state, is one grand cause of all the woes that follow. The young lady is fascinated by a soft voice and winning manners, or a fine person. The young gentleman is smitten by a fair face and form. He proposes, is accepted; they take moonlight walks together, quote poetry, talk sentiment and nonsense, but never speak, hardly ever think, of the active, serious, responsible duties following the step they are about to take. They marry in entire ignorance of each other’s disposition or capacity to perform those duties. They imagine themselves deeply in love, and may be really so, but they are building their hopes on romantic sentiment, and will find the structure in great danger of crumbling to the ground when the first slight breeze of adversity comes; or when they discover the fact that their idols are as far from perfection as the rest of the human species. Yet, in cases like this, where the parties are neither unprincipled or vicious, where there exists any native strength of character, any right views of life and its duties, a little exercise of self-government, a habit of forbearance, of mutual concessions and confessions only are necessary to bring happiness out of such unions.

And, by following the same rule, those who discover, too late, that no congeniality of disposition, tastes or pursuits, guided them in their choice, may avoid all discord and disgraceful jarrings.

If such as are influenced wholly by worldly and mercenary motives in chosing a partner for life, should find the chains galling, what else could they expect? What better do they deserve?

The Fireman’s Parade.

The second annual parade of the New-York Fire Department took place on Monday. The line was formed on Abingdon Square, the men four abreast, and the procession then marched through Hudson St. to College Place, through College Place to Murray Street, through Murray Street and the Park to Chatham, up Chatham Street and East Broadway to Grand Street to Bowery, up Bowery to Third Avenue to Fourteenth Street, through Fourteenth Street to and around Union Square to Broadway, thence down Broadway to Canal Street. On the head of the line reaching Canal Street, the procession stopped and was dismissed.

As the procession passed through the Park, it was reviewed by the Mayor, the Common Council, the Heads of Departments, and many old officers of the Fire Departments, and distinguished individuals.

The streets were filled with spectators, and as the procession moved along, it was the general remark that a more brave, disinterested, honorable and enduring body of men could not be found anywhere.

Previous to the parade, Mr. James R. Mount, foreman of Hose Company No. 14, was presented with a magnificent silver fire-trumpet, in testimony of his brave and humane conduct in rescuing four persons from the late fire at No. 89 Bowery.

The procession was dismissed between six and seven o’clock, and in the evening “the city boys” showed their invited guests around town.

☞The citizens of Milwaukie have instituted the May Feast with success.

Temperance Gathering.

The N. York City Temperance Alliance held an enthusiastic meeting at Metropolitan Hall, on Monday evening. The proceedings were commenced by Rev. Mr. Stout, who invoked the Divine blessing upon the efforts of those engaged in the cause. The Secretary of the Alliance, Rev. C. J. Warren, made a brief report of the result of the efforts to obtain a reform in the system of granting licenses practiced in this city, and though they had not been as successful as they could desire, yet they had received assurances from the Aldermen of the Fifth, Ninth, Tenth, Twelfth, Thirteenth, Fifteenth, Sixteenth, Seventeenth and Eighteenth Wards, that they would revoke the license of any house that did not remain closed on the Sabbath. Mr. Warren also presented a series of resolutions in favor of the Maine Law, which were unanimously adopted. Brief addresses were made by C. C. Leigh, the President of the Alliance, Philip S. White, of Philadelphia, Rev. Mr. Putney, of this city, Rev. Mr. Wakeley and Horace Greeley. A collection was then taken up which amounted to about $1,000, one gentleman giving $250, another $100, and four others $50 each. Judge O’Neall, of South Carolina, was then introduced to the audience. His address was mainly in favor of legislative enactments to prevent the traffic in intoxicating drinks, and he strongly urged the necessity for concerted and harmonious action among the friends of temperance. By union the evil might be remedied—by discord it would be increased. He made a forcible argument in favor of temperance, and told several anecdotes to illustrate his views, which were received with shouts of laughter.

Arrival of Alboni.—Madame Alboni, the greatest contralto in the world, reached our shores a few days ago. Marietta Alboni was born at Casena, in 1826, and is consequently 26 years of age. She is a native of Italy, and has won her laurels at all the principal theatres and courts of Europe. During the great season of the World’s Exhibition she was the reigning attraction of that aristocratic establishment, Her Majesty’s theatre, London.

In person Madame Alboni is a magnificent looking artiste. She has a powerful frame, is quite tall and well proportioned, with a face full of intelligence and eyes full of fire. She has dark hair but blue eyes.

Alboni is accompanied by her husband, Count Pepoli, and sister, and by Signor C. Vivier, her secretary, together with Augustino Revere, the great barytone buffo singer, considered the first now living of his class, and Antonio Sangiovanni, an excellent tenor. She is staying at the New-York Hotel.

☞Mr. Freberhuyser, a musician of Albany, has invented a new musical instrument, the material used for the construction being sea shells. The exterior of the shell is not disturbed, and retains all its rough attractions. The mouthpiece is fitted to a screw tube adjusted at the head of the shell. Along the sides the keyholes are arranged at proper intervals, and the edges carefully lined. A valve, lined with velvet, hinged at one corner, covers the mouth of the shell, and is compressed or opened as the character of the music requires. At the opposite and extreme corner of the mouth, the vent is left for the egress of the surplus air. The instrument, therefore, with the valves and keys closed, is air tight, and the variations in the size and natural organization of the shell furnish the change in the tone of the instrument. The music is said to be powerful and agreeable.

☞We see it stated in our Western exchanges that a gentleman near Louisville, Ky., has applied the telegraph to an entirely novel and unique use. He has nearly completed an invention for writing music as it is played from the piano-forte, the notes upon the sheets being produced as fast, and to the exact time, as the keys are touched by the performer. Strakosh has offered him $10,000 for the patent right when the model is finished. Rather doubtful.

☞Ole Bull’s Concert in Boston was a great success.

☞We read that Wm. T. Coggshall, Esq., has in preparation a volume devoted to the details of Gov. Kossuth’s sojourn and travels in the United States. Mr. C. has been connected with the suite of the distinguished Hungarian since his arrival on our shores, and consequently has enjoyed the best opportunity for obtaining the materials for his proposed book. He also has much merit as a writer, and will doubtless give the public an interesting and acceptable work.

☞An ingenious instrument has been invented by M. Seaward, a printer, at Indianapolis, Ind., which will be death on rats. To the treadle on which the bait is placed, is attached an iron lever, communicating with a wire spring, to which is fastened a sharp instrument, which revolves rapidly when the treadle is touched, hitting the rat between the peepers, and knocking it six or eight feet from the trap, which resets itself instantly for another rat.

☞The Newark Mercury says that the amusing endorsal of every thing by the Democratic Convention in its platform, is made the foundation of a capital hit. “You cover a great deal in your resolutions,” said a gentleman in Washington to a returning Delegate. “Yes,” said the chap, we would have backed up Christianity as well as other things, but we had a Jew on the Platform Committee and he stayed it off.”

☞The old frigate Macedonian, which was captured in the war of 1812 by the frigate United States, has been cut down and rebuilt at the Brooklyn Navy Yard to a corvette, and is to be named the “Raleigh.” A new frigate now on the stocks, is to be called the Macedonian.

☞We notice the death at Richmond, (Va.,) of Mr. Edward C. Mayo, late a resident of Elizabethtown, New-Jersey, aged 61 years. This gentleman was a brother of Mrs. General Winfield Scott, and was related to some of the leading families of Philadelphia.

☞Phebe Way graduated in December last with seven others, at the Pennsylvania College of Medicine, instituted for the instruction of females in the medical art, and has come to Baltimore to enter upon the practice and duties of a regular physician.

☞We learn from Saratoga, that although the weather during the last week has not been very favorable, yet company is coming in as fast or faster than usual. The excellent arrangements on the Railroads leading to this place tend very much to bring on the people early in the season.

☞A majority of the New-York Supreme Court, on Thursday, decided the American Art Union to be illegal and unconstitutional. Judges Mitchell and Roosevelt concurred in this opinion, Judge Edwards dissenting.

☞A pleasure trip to the Mediterranean has been undertaken by a party of ladies and gentlemen on board the ship Cygnet, which cleared from Boston for the purpose last week.

☞The Albany Dutchman expresses its surprise that young men can consent to loaf the about the rum-shop as they do, when a good with dose of arsenic can be purchased for a six-pence.

☞Lorenzo Dow once said of grasping and avaricious farmer, that if he had the whole world enclosed in a single field, he would not be content without a patch of ground on the outside for a potatoe-patch.

☞The amount of “material aid” from various sources received by Gov. Kossuth since he left Massachusetts, is $7,523. The whole amount raised in this country is about $90,000.

☞Bloomers are plenty in Michigan, according to a correspondent from Barry County.

☞The 2d of June was the anniversary of the adoption of the Maine Law in that State.