Explanatory Remarks
In our translation we adopted these principles:
- Tenan of the original—We have learned in a Mishna; Tania—We have learned in a Boraitha; Itemar—It was taught.
- Questions are indicated by the interrogation point, and are immediately followed by the answers, without being so marked.
- When in the original there occur two statements separated by the phrase, Lishna achrena or Waïbayith Aema or Ikha d'amri (literally, "otherwise interpreted"), we translate only the second.
- As the pages of the original are indicated in our new Hebrew edition, it is not deemed necessary to mark them in the English edition, this being only a translation from the latter.
- Words or passages enclosed in round parentheses ( ) denote the explanation rendered by Rashi to the foregoing sentence or word. Square parentheses [ ] contain commentaries by authorities of the last period of construction of the Gemara.
Copyright, 1901, by
Michael L. Rodkinson