Page:New Monthly 1825.pdf/3

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Table of Contents

Antony and Cleopatra. An Anecdote from Plutarch Vol. 14, Pages 249 to 250 4
Song - Oh breathe not of love Vol. 14, Page 443 6
Ideal Likenesses: Vol. 14, Pages 485 to 486 7
Ariadne Vol. 14, Page 485 7
Sappho Vol. 14, Pages 485 to 486 8
Erinna Vol. 14, Page 486 10
Corinna Vol. 14, Page 486 11
Song - Oh say not that my heart is dead Vol. 14, Page 508 12
The Charmed Fountain Vol. 14, Page 528 13
Song - I vow’d a vow of faith to thee Vol. 14, Page 593 14