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250 Antony and Cleopatra.

lt wee not thter feeteree
Seent’desil'cerred theseuptor’sert.
Thet la in its d midnight there;
Nor her’neek. the the ewen'e. for greee end whiteness.
Nor her step. like tlte wind of the south for lightness;
But it wee e melon epell. like the one
Thet when the Opel to fair e stone.
The tpell of change :-for e little while
Her red lip shone with its eutntner raile—
You looh'd egein.end thet entile wee fled.
Sedness end softnees were there ineteed.
This moment ell bounding geiety.
With e leugh the! eeeot’d the heert's echo to he;
Now it wee end tnirth. end new
It wee prince y etep end lofty brow:
By term the women end the queen.
And eeobestheotherhednerer been.

-Bnt on her lip. end cheek. end brow.
Were trecee thet wildest pessioei evorr,
All thet e southern run end thy
Could light in the heert. end fleeh from the eye;
A epirit thet might h turtle beled '
To ell we love. end lire dreed.
And in thet eye derhness end light
Mingled, like her own elintete’e night,
Till even he on her hoeout leening.
Shunt et tines front its fiery meaning.

There tree a cloud on thet werrier's feee,
Thet wine, music. smiles. could not quite erese:
He eet on e rich end throne.
Bell. feertrouldpeeet thentthereelone.
He stood not now on hie netire lend.
With linemen end friends et his red right hend;
And the goblet peee'd unhise’d, till the brit-
fled been touch d byenother es eurety l’or hint.

She. hie eochentrcu. nerh'd hie feer.
But she let not her eeeret thought eppeer.
Wreeth'd with her heir were crtnteon flowere.
The brightest thet form the Iotue boners --
She plueh'd m hm, end aura thern with wine.
And. lelghing eeid. " thie pledge be mine!”

Her entile shone over their bloom like e cheret.
He reieed them up, but she caught his era.
And hede then: bring to the festive hell
One donm‘d to deeth. e criminal.

He drenlt of the wine. he ped for hreeth.
For those bri t. but poieon’ flowere, held deeth;
And turn’d e e to Antony with the wrestle.
While her haughty smile hid the eigh heneeth,
“ Where hed t y ife been et this hour.
Hetl not In Love been more than my Power!
—Awey. i thou teeny—lore never must.
Never cen live with one ehede ed dietrtm.”
