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Page:New Peterson magazine 1859 Vol. XXXV.pdf/169

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knit 3, make 1, knit 2 together, knit 1, knit 25 together, 1' to the end, when make 1, knit 3, 3 make 1, knit 2 together, knit 4. S 4th Rom—Purl 3, purl 2 together; 1' make 1, g purl 5, make 1, purl 3 together, 1- to the end. These four rows form one pattern, and must 3 be repeated five times, after which do two plain E


To trim the sleeves, cast on 96 stitches, and work in the same way. When three patterns are done, begin the upper frill, to which do two before joining them. Complete like that for the body, and sew on to the sleeve, closing it up the edge. New sew up the shoulders, add the collar and

rows, and slip all the stitches on a finer needle. E sleeves, and plait some white 8-thrend ficecy, in be another piece with a depth of only two pat- E make the trimming down the fronts and round terns, and two plain rows. Then holding the § the neck. The buttons are covered also with two pieces of lace together, knit one row with a 3 pieces of white knitting, so that every


stitch ofl‘ each needle, thus uniting the two frills. g washes. Do another plain row, and a series of holes, thus: Those who are not acquainted with brioche

Knit 3, 1’ make 1, slip 1, knit 2 (not together,)

stitch may be glad to learn that it is simply-1

pass the slip stitch over. 1- rcpeat to the end, gluing the thread in front, slip 1 as if purling, when the last three are to be knitted plain. liknit 2 together, The wool of which these purled row; 1 plain ditto. Cast oif To be 5 polkas are made is the finest Spanish. sewed round the bottom of lhe jacket. Wwmw »W/,-fl,~v,n-, r”

