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Louom, and is worked in a solid crochet; the a peculiar and striking effect when completed. A silks, when not required, being worked in at the k 1|:u-l-_~:..s Steel clasp and tassel of the some
back in the usual manner.
Although an cx-E‘metal at the end are required to furnish this
"finely simple pattern, it is one which has a ‘ very useful and ornamental little article. VIM ’,,,,»,,¢/,A ,Il/IA ~,-~,,,/»~~v'w,~,,~_
W1: give among our illustrations, in front of <ncxt to wrap over. These small circles are ah the number, a very ornamental as well as new E arranged round a larger circle cut in a firmer kind of pincushion, just come out abroad. It is card-board, in the form of a wreath, each pro
composed of scarlet cloth or satin and chalk S jecting slightly over the last, leaving a space white beads. A number of small circles are cut § for the cushion in the centre. A round cushion ‘ccuragely in card-board, and covered neatly gin then made suficiently large to fill the centre, with the cloth or satin. On these circles in small Ecovered with the same material. It. is drawn
pattern is worked in the white beads according g down either with a scarlet cord, strings of white to the engraving, with a small loop of beads 3 beads or gold thread, so as to form four quarters round the edge, leaving a space suificient for the ? from the centre, and is attached by means of this