Ox: of the latest novelties, which has appeared 5 shows oi? the lace or embroidery to great advan in Paris, is the Raphael dress, which we give loge, and contrasts well with the dress, which above, accompanied by a diagram on the follow- E may be of either light or dark silk according to
ing page.
It combines the fashionable Raphael the taste of the wearer.
A rich brown, or royal
body withthe double skirt, which latteris rapidly blue, are the favorite colors abroad. But in superseding all other styles of skirt. It will be selecting the color, ladies must be guided, of seen that the upper part of the skirt is looped 3 course, by complexion, &'c. The harmony and up, at regular intervals, with pliase, passing from g fitness of colors has more to do in making a
the hem of the upper skirt to the waist.
An lady look well than the quality of the material,
under body of fullings and insertion, either of Always buy that which suits your style: it gives lace or muslin, with a plain silk lining, which lyou individuality. 80‘ J