tween each shell.
Finish with cord and tasscls
1 1/'1 :
Run the cord in the row of d c at top of slipperw
made of Zephyr, or with elastic cord. If elastic make it tight enough to confine the slipper closely cord is used, trim the slipper with a bow of ribs : to the foot. The colors may be varied to suit the
‘ taste.
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Tins new article of the toilet, which has just ' to another ribbon or velvet, the pointed end of appeared in London, is us elegant and graceful which is fixed to the waist by a large hook placed as it is convenient. It is made in various 5 underneath; under the rose or how is placed a styles, either extremely simple, as represented buckle, by which the ribbons may be made lon— in our engraving, or to become a decided orna- t ger or shorter according as the dress is required
ment to the dress. The one preferred for general E to be more or less raised.
One of the folds of
use consists of a narrow, circular-shaped sup- t the dress is pa=scd into the circular part, falls port; ribbons are fixed to the extremities of the g down over the support, and forms a natural dra
circle, and are joined by a knot, or velvet rose i pcry which does not crease the dress in the least