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5 Four Hour Pudding.—Ingredients: One pound of beef PAITBY. Pastry Crust—Germam—Stir the yolks of four eggs in a k suet, ten eggs, one pound of sugar, one glass of brandy, one nutmeg, and a little cinnamon. Take a stale loaf, cut 08 dish, adding half a pint of sweet milk, and salt in propor tion; mix in as much flour as will resist the stirring spoon; all the crust, and rub it fine; mix with it all the other in then place the dough on your rolling board, and knead it gredients and boil it four hours. For sauce, mix together until the dough will spring up under the pressure of the butter, wine, nutmeg, and the juice of one lemon. Lemon Pudding—Take one pound of flour well dried and finger. It is then to be rolled out half of its size. and a vf-IJ Ifl {If I/fl f -l‘v'l l /If/N‘JI
pound of butter to be cut over half of the dough; the re
sifted, one pound of fine sugar, the rind of a lemon, grated,
maining half must then be folded over the butter, be well beaten and rolled out thin. Then fold the dough like a nap kin, and care must be taken that it does not wrinkle; it must then be rolled out a second time as thin as at first, and again be beaten on the same side. Raspberry Fritters —Grate two Naples biscuits. or some sponge-cake, and pour over it a gill of boiling cream. When it is almost cold. beat the yolks of four eggs to a strong froth—beat the biscuits a little, and then beat both together exceedingly well, and put to it two ounces of sugar, and as much raspberry juice as will make it a nice pink color; drop the batter by the spoonful into a pan of boiling lard. When
twelve eggs, the yolks beaten awhile by themselves, and the whites beaten to a froth; then gently mix all together, pm it into a pan, and bake it half an hour. JBLLIEB
Calf's-Foet Jelly—Made of Gdatine.--.No. 1.—To one quart of cold water take one ounce and a quarter of gelatine, and set it over the fire until dissolved. To this quantity take four lemons, juice and rinds, two sticks of cinnamon, three gills of wine, four eggs, whites and shells. (whip the whites of the eggs to a fill" froth.) and fourteen ounces of sugar. Mix all well together, and place it over the fire until it boils you dish up the fritters, stick bits of citron in some of them, up once; then pour it through a fin nel bag, several times, and in others blanched almonds, cut lengthwise. .i if necessary. until it runs clear. llace the bag near the Cream for Pies—Take two eggs and break them into a fire, to prevent the liquid from congealing before running saucepan; mix in with the eggs two ounces of fine flour— through it. then pour in three half pints of milk. You must stir it with CaIf’s-Fcct JcIly.—.No. 2.—Clean one sett of feet well, put a silver spoon. Then add two ounces of white sugar and 5 them in as much cold water as will cover them; boil them one ounce of butter; put the mixture on the tire, and keep until the meat falls from the bones,then strain them through stirring it until it begins to boil; then take it off and let it a cullender; let the jelly stand until it becomes cold, skim cool, when it will be ready for use. off the fat, and put it on the tire to melt. Add to it half a Grtm Apple Pie—Without .4ppZ(8.—Breilk up into small pound of white sugar, one pint of wine, the whites of four eggs, beaten light, and the shells, and the juice of two pieces six soda biscuits, and pour over it two teacupfuls of cold water. Grate in two whole lemons. adding three cup 5 lemons. Let it boil. and skim it while boiling; then strain tale of fine white sugar, and halfa nutmeg. Beat the whole Q it through a flannel bag until it becomes clear. Let it cool well together. Bake the pie in a quick even without any in forms. upper crust. Gzlf’s-Fcet Jelly—No. 3.—Take two quarts of water to Raspberry Dumplings.--Make a puff paste and roll it out. two setts of feet, boil it down to one quart, strain it; when Spread raspberry jam upon it and make it into dumplings. cold, skim off all the fat, and let it melt over a slow fire; Boil them an hour. Serve them with wine sauce, or sugar then add half a pint of wine, thejuice of a lemon, the peel of a lemon, and the whites of three eggs, to clarify it, also and butter well mixed together. sugar to your taste; let it all boil together for a few minutes, PUDDINGS. then strain it through a flannel bag. Be careful not to press Par-tam Apple Pudding.—Pare and core some tender the bag, or your jelly will not be clear. CaJf‘s-Fezt Jelly—Made of American Is1'nglass.-—No. 4.— apples. stew them in a little water, add a good sized piece of butter, and sweeten to your taste, (after the apple is Procuro two ounces of isinglass, soak it in cold water for stewed.) When it is cold beat four eggs and stir in. Grate half an hour, then take it out and pour on it two quarts of nutmeg over the top, and eat it with cream. Or, butter a boiling water. When it is cold, add to it the whites of four pudding dish, strew it very thickly with bread crumbs. then eggs, well beaten, one pound of sugar, thejuice and rind of add the mixture, and straw bread plentifully over the top. three lemons, and one pint of wine. Mix all well together, Set it in a tolerably hot oven, and when baked sift sugar boil it three minutes, strain it through a flannel bag, and set it to cool. over it. Gooseberry Pudding.—Scald half a pint of green goose CREAMS,CUSTARD8,IC bsrries in water till they are soft, then put them into a sieve to drain. When cold, work them through an hair sieve with Oat-Meal Flummcry.—Take a pint of bruised greats, and the hack of a clean wooden spoon; add to them half a. pound put three pints of water to them, early in the morning, and I sugar. and the same of butter, with four ounces of Naples ' let it stand till noon; then add the same quantity of water biscuits; beat six eggs very well, then mix all together: and as before, stir it well, and let it stand till four o‘clock: then beat them a quarter of an hour. Pour it into an earthen run it through a sieve; boil it; keep stirring it all the while, dish, without paste: half an hour will bake it. and put in a spoonful of water now and then as it boils. Orange I‘udding.—Boil the rind of an orange very soft, When it begins to thicken, drop a little on a plate; when it and heat in a marble mortar with the juice of the orange; leaves the plate it is complete. Put it in glasses, and when put to it two Naples biscuits grated Very tine, half a pound cold turn it out. of butter. quarter of a pound of sugar, and the yolks of six Chocolate Cream.—-Ingredients: One quart of milk. four eggs; mix all well together. Put put'f paste round your pic eggs, and three tablespoonfuls of grated chocolate. Boil the dish, pour in the mixture, and bake it for about half an chocolate first in a little water, then add the milk and sugar hour. to your liking; also flavor it with Vanilla, or whatever you Imiihn Pudding—Sweden one pint of milk to your liking, most prefer. Add the eggs as for boiled custard; stir it till add to it two tablespooufuls of molasses, a small piece of it thickens, and then pour it into cups. butter. (about the size of a walnut) three-quarters of a tea 8190 Cream.--Tuke a dessert spoonful of sago, and boil it spoonful of salinratus. a small portion of salt, three eggs, and in one pint of water to a jelly. Add a teacupful of cream, raisins, or currants. Mix with the ingredients one quart of Q let it boil again; beat up an egg Vt'l')’ light, and pour the good Indian meal. Boil it in a bug about an hour and a half. t boiling sago on it. Add sugar and nutmeg to your taste. fill/II}
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