which have been taken of with knitting hereto- 5 up the four stitches forming the cord, upon the fore; turn the work round and purl those 4ileft needle, again taking those fourstitchcs which stitches; turn the work back again and knitiyou passed upon the right needle, back again
same 4 stitches plain. Repeat (knitting the four l upon the left one.
The work is new properly
stitches only; one row plain, next pnrl,) until i arranged to knit the remaining stitches of the you have knitted twelve rows; then throw the gneedlo. Repeat from the 1st row. This arrang thread back and knit off the 5 stitches remaining i ing the cord from right to left, though rather
upon the left needle. Next row,.knit 6; now complicated, will be readily accomplished by pass the right needle through the 6th, 6th, 7th strictly following the directions. Knit the stripes and 8th stitches of those remaining upon the left i the length of the cushion you wish to cover. Sew needle; let it remain in those four stitches; then 3 them together.
Let the under side either be
slip otf ot' the left needle the four stitches which E knitted plain, all one color, or cover it with silk form the cord.
Do it carefully.
Now the four i or satin some dark shade.
Finish the corners
stitches (through which you passed the right i with tassels in groups of two’s or three’s.
needle,) slip oil the left upon the right, and take 5 may be either of worsted or chenille. - , ,"""WWW. .m . ' ' " " ' '* “i.... 1' .. M F‘Zullllllrzmlmlh I n w”M, r 3.} N'W' "m an" “0' m
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MA'rnm.Ls.—Half oz. black single zephyr, i4 stitches in s 0 over the cotton.
Take up the
four shades scarlet, half oz. each, 5th, or lightest shade one oz., half oz. white tidy cotton, bone crochet hook. With the black wool make a chain of 3 stitches.
% 3 t g
Work 7 rows single crochet stitch, widening enough to keep the work flat. 8th rem—Join the cotton, work 8 rows in d 0, working the last 3 rows very loosely—l row in s 0. Join the
i work the first zephyr stitch over the last. cotton i one, then do the 4 stitches as before. This makes the cord. Repeat until you have worked in all ~' the shades, (allowing 1 shade to every row.) 1
black wool, work 1 row s 0.
shade of zephyr and the cotton.
Join the darkest
cotton, (holding down the zephyr as you did the cotton) and work 4 stitches in s 0 over the zephyr. Repeat this until the row is complete. Join the next shade, work in the same way, observing to
row black in s c, 1 row black in d 0, doing it in
Lay the cotton groups of 8 stitches with 2 chain between each
close down upon the last row worked, and crochet
Join the darkest shade, work in d 0 same