BLADS. Other Magazines, indeed, publish only
these foreign patterns. But we add original designs. many of them such as subscribers have requested, and from the popularity which these original designs obtain. we are encouraged to believe that no other Mngazme enJoys such a high reputation for its Work-Table as this.
One of the prettiest things for the Work-Table, which has lately been designed in Paris, is the Oriental Mat, in Berlin wool and beads. Above we give a segment of the pattern, being one
quarter of the whole.
This is divided, it will
be observed, into three divisions. In the entire mat, therefore, there are twelve of these divi sions. These twelve divisions are in six diflerent colors. Each division has its opposite one in the some color: thus there are two erimsons, two greys, two yellows, two blues, two browns, and two greens. The leaves have an outline in steel beads, as seen in the cut at the side of this
column, and are filled in with crystal.
To give
a greater variety to the leaves, the smaller ones may be filled in with opaque white, and those nearer the edge with the crystal. The ohter scallop may be finished with loops of beads placed rather close together, overwrapping each other, and in the same chalk beads as those used
for filling in the leaves. When the work is com pleted, it must be made up on a thin mill-board carefully cut out the same shape. It must be well stretched, and securely fastened down at
the back.
After which it must be lined with
either cloth or fine green hnize. This mat will be found very ornamental, and perfectly easy of execution.