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duct permitted in their children?”


In this relation of life,

how true is the proverb that “a soft answr-r turneth away wrath!” A few kind words and hearty expressions of ap mm EXPRESSLY roa “Panama’s umazms.” probation for that which merits praise. will often bind a (Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1869. by servant to you for life; whilst harsh and angry terms will Charles J. l’eti'rson. in the Clerk’s Office of the District quite as frequently send from your abode one who may pos Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern District sess beneath an ungainly exterior sterling qualities, which of Pennsylvania.] a farther trial and proper management might call forth, and 3?- This being a month, when scarcely anything can be 2 whose services would most likely prove invaluable. Some omtsidcred special to it, we seize the occasion to give, instead I[III/III MIf NW/IwI, c2‘JlnNIrJv’,lIN-IlrVJ-.N‘lIf»tIN persons are inconsiderate with regard to the extent of ser -I."f/ MWNI. III of receipts for soups. fish, meats, do, some gtncral remark: vice to be rendered by the difl'erent members of a household, for housekeepers on housekeeping, cqwm'ally so fu r as regards and exact from one who has completely fulfilled the duties the table. of her station extra. work. which might be readily performed GENERAL ans: ARES. by the young ladies of the family. Again, others are incon No woman should assume the cares of a family, without siderate as regards the proper food for domestics, feeding a full knowledge of the important duties resting upon her. them upon coarse and insufficient viands, producing d'iscon. Her example will prove far more beneficial to her servants tent by the painful contrast between the luxurious appoint and children. than all the precepts and adluonitions con ments and well supplied family table, and the meagre faro veyed in any other form. “By a ‘daily beauty’ in her life, provided for the kitchen department. Special attention lhe may present a model by which all around her insensibly should also be paid to the comfortable arrangement of mould themselves." domcstics' bed-rooms. They should be carefully supplied Decision of character is most necessary to be acquired by with plain but complete appurtenances for cleanliness, the mistress of a household. In the daily routine of life she order, and repose. The mistress of a househould should should calmly and judiciously decide upon her course of ever keep in mind how grateful to a faithful laborer—one action. and afterward maintain her position, gently, but who has borne the heat and burthen of the day—must be the firmly. Due attention should, of Course, be paid to every comforts of a well arranged chamber. At the same time, a. department of housekeeping, but the observations now mistress who kindly and consideratcly attends to the Well offered will mainly relate to the culinary arrangements, being of her sci-vants, has the best right to demand in return and matters chiefly connected with it. strict aitcniimt to each individual division of labor—and to In a very great degree the comfort of a household depends require the carcful preservation of all artic.les procured for upon the proper management of its culinary department. the peculiar benefit of her domestics. The untidy aspect of the kitchen and dining-room, together The kitchen should never present a striking contrast with with insufficient and illy prepared articles of food. frcqucntly the upper apartments of a house, leaving it bars and unfur induce the husband—and children of mature yours—to fre quent restaurants and similar establishments. injurious alike nished with necessary implements, whilst the drawing-room to health and morality; inducing thereby habits which often and chambers set apart for company glitter with gold and destroy the happincss of the entire home circle. This system crimson appointments. Kitchen furniture should be of such materials as to admit of frequent cleaning; and the various of out-door life gradually weans the affections from those implements requisite for the culinary art should be liberally who ought to be nearest and dearest, until honw entirely supplied, and be kept in a perf~~ctly neat order, being at re loses its restraining influence. and is simply regarded as a gular intervals examined by the mistress, who thus assures place of shelter during the watches of the night. Mothers. herself of faithfulness on the part of the cook, and of the wives, sisters, should ever hear in mind this fearful result cleanly condition of food prepared for her table. in addition of mismanagement, and by every exertion of which they are to saucepans. kettles, Skillets, preserving and frying-pans, capable. strive to render their own households the centre of egg slices, 008cc and spice mills, Dutch ovens, baking and such pure enjoyment. and excelling comfort that amid the cake tins, and various utensils of wood and earthenware. the hustle and turmoil of the day, the toiling father and busy kitchen should be provided with a plain service of white sons shall turn to it, as the blissful resting-place to which stone ware, together with a sufficivncy of plates, jugs, they gladly haste after the labors of the day are ended. We pitchers, &c. “All the sauccpam and kettles should be once heard an excellent son and brother say, alluding to the made of iron or tin. Coppvr utensils are not at all safe in wise government ofa deceased mother, “I do not think that the hands of careless servants, a ho often suffcr soups and during the whole course of my life I have entered an eating stews to remain in the vessels in which tin-y have been saloon more than three times, and then only on some par boiled until they are cold; and if a copper saucepan be not ticular errand. My mother rendered home so agreeable and well tinned, this untidy habit is likewise one of great dan comfortable. and supplied our table so liberably with all the ger. Scarcely anything can be cooked which has not in a delicacies of the season, that no inducement was offered us - greater or less degree the power of corroding copper, at that to gratify our appetites in resorts frequented by others less part which is in contact with the air, and whatever is suf fortunate. That same mother constantly gathered around fered to remain in a copper vessel thus corroded, soon im her children agreeable and intelligent society, associating bibes the poison, and can scarcely be eaten without very herself with them in their varied amusements, rendering injurious and often fatal effects.” A cook should be per their happiest moments those which were passed in the fectly cleanly in her person, and clean and neat in her work. magic limits of home.” If such a rule was universally ob Q This she cannot be, however, unless she is supplied with served, fewer tears would be shed by wives and mothers be proper and varied utensils, proportionate to the quantity of cause of the desolation of their own households. , cooking she is called upon to perform. tollcr-towels. tablo NM

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“This my mean task Would be to me as heavy as odious; but The mistress I serve, qnickens what's dead, And makes my labors pleasures.” A universal subject of complaint among housekeepers is the impossibility of obtaining good domestics. May not the difliculty. in a great measure, arise from the improper treat ment of servants by ladies themselves, and also “ by the con

- cloths. and dish-cloths should be plentifully pruvidt‘d; and

A the M should be required to cleanse thoroughly the uten Il l fl f f flflf

sils brought daily into use. As soon as posaiblc, a house keeper should assuro herself as to the quantity of articles ordinarily used per week in her family; extravagance can be thus more readily detected, and waste be prcven ted. The judicious procuring of provisions is an important bramh of housekeeping. Although it wmld seem to involve