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A BRAID AND caocnsr COLLAR run A CHILD. NIIM’””I/mrri”rlldm
ornamented with a very light braided design or; a pointed jockey. The skirt should be composed i
No. 1. Faos'r or In: Bout. No. 2. Bacx.
of four widths, which are laid in large, hollows
No. 8. Sassvs.
plaits and braided; a black braiding also runs§
No. 4. Jocxsv.
above the hem. We give, on the preceding page, a diagram.
With this costume a pretty loose chemisette is worn.
Marianna—Tape, or French braid,
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which is as stiff as tape, of the width, as
id >
in engraving, or twilled tape six yards.
Cotton No. 20. No. 4 Penelope hook. Measure a length of braid seven and n-halt‘ inches long, hem the ends very neatly, double the length in two and place a pin through the centre of the braid, fold down and sew the braid as if for tape work, as it is in engraving; which we give at the top of the following page; then join
(flat) the ends of the two helm at the ends of the length of braid together; then proceed to fill up the interstice of the braid thus: Exactly one inch from the outer point of first braid pass the needle and thread across to the second braid in a bar of three threads; then work over cast stitch half-way across this bar; now carry the needle and thread up to the centre point of braid, and down again to -. z where the bar was half completed, then up again, and work button-hole stitch to the half completed bar; then finish the latter; then neatly sew the edge of the ‘ braid up for an half an inch distance for i, the next small bar; simply work this I across, then the same way the next bar, which is the same distance. Make fifteen of these pointed pieces; then for the crochet between the pieces, make seven eh do in first loop, seven ch ,
T (or turn on the reverse side,) dc a first
. seven ch; seven ch T do u last seven ch; continue this till there are thirteen edge ohs on each side; then five ch dc u same
seven ch as the last; and then 14 each of the edge chs for twelve times; seven ch do u the last seven ch again; then live ch do a each of the seven chs down the other side till the last; draw the cotton. through, leave on an end, sewahis down the side of the braid; then saw a pointed
piece of braid down the other side of the