Into my hand I tooke
These tokens hunge about my necke
(As I had dream'd before)
55What Deitie (quoth I amaz'd)
For this shall I adore :
Sume God or Angell suirlie hath
This present to me brought,
For if on anie naturall dreames
60Hade ravished bene my thought,
Then ather of the humours foure
The cheefe that did abounde,
By sympathie with brethren foure
Wherof was form'd this rounde,
65 And with the seasons of the yeare
Wolde vexed have my braine.
If bloode domin'd with bloodie jarres
In spring time, and againe,
If cholere raign'd with ravening fires
70 In sommers pearching heate,
If phlegme did with drowning floods
When Hyades holds there seate,
If melancholie earth and night
With heavie things and blacke,
75 When frozen Saturne rules with snowe
The place wolde suirlie take :
Or els the things I last hade thought
Hade done or wish'd to be
They hade although imperfectlie
80 In dreame appear'd to me.
And so by nature hade I dream'd
The thing I dream'd indeede,
For I confesse that Idee oft
My ravish'd minde dois feede,
85 Bot then how soone I hade awack'd
And Morpheus flowen awaye,
No token hade he left behinde
As now this wedd it laye :
Then counting it sume heavenlie gift