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New Zealand Institute.
[No. 130.

(d.) All matters and proceedings commenced under the aid enactments, and pending or in progress on [the coming into operation] of this Act, may, be continued, completed, and enforced under this Act.

Constitution of New Zealand Institute.
1903, No. 48, sec. 3
2. (1.) The body now known as the New Zealand Institute (hereinafter referred to as “the Institute”) shall consist of the Auckland Institute, the Wellington Philosophical Society, the Philosophical Institute of Canterbury, the Otago Institute, the Hawke's Bay Philosophical Institute, the Westland Institute, the Southland Institute, and such others as heretofore have been or may hereafter be incorporated therewith in accordance with regulations heretofore made at hereafter to be made by the Board of Governors.

(2.) Members of the above-named incorporated societies shall be ipso facto members of the Institute.

Board of Governors of Institute.
Ibid, sec. 4
3. The control and management of the Institute shall be vested in a Board of Governors (hereinafter referred to as “the Board”), constituted as follows:–

The Governor:

The Minister of Internal Affairs:

Four members to be appointed by the Governor in Council, of whom two shall be appointed daring the month of December in every year:

Two members to be appointed by each of the incorporated societies at Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, and Dunedin during the month of December in each alternate year; and the next year in which such an appointment shall be made is the year one thousand nine hundred and nine:

One member to be appointed by each of the other incorporated societies during the month of December in each alternate year; and the next year in which such an appointment shall be made is the year one thousand nine hundred and nine.

Tenure of office.
Ibid, sec 5
4. (1.) Of the members appointed by the Governor in Council, the two members longest in office without reappointment shall retire annually on the appointment of their successors.

(2.) Subject to the last preceding subsection, the appointed members of the Board shall hold office until the appointment of their successors.

Board to be a body corporate.
Ibid, sec. 6
5. The Board shall be a body corporate by the name of the “New Zealand Institute,” and by that name shall have perpetual succession and a common seal, and may sue and be sued, and shall have power and authority to take, purchase, and hold lands for the purposes hereinafter mentioned.

Powers of the Board.
Ibid, sec. 7
6. (1.) The Board shall have power to appoint a fit person, to be known as the “President,” to superintend and carry cut all necessary work in connection with the affairs of the Institute, and to provide him with such further assistance as may be required.

(2.) The Board shall also appoint the President or some other fit person to be editor of the Transactions of the Institute, and may appoint a committee to assist him in the work of editing the same.

(3.) The Board shall have power from time to time to make regulations under which societies may become incorporated with the Institute, and to declare that any incorporated society shall cease to be