Page:New history of all religions.pdf/11

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he was laid aside for a year. Next Assembly he spoke boldly against Patronage, and was deposed. Soon after, he, with his followers formed a party, under the denomination of the Presbytery of Relief, being thereby relieved from Patronage.———They are Calvillsts*, but they are very free in receiving church members.

Of the Old and New Light Burghers.

The Old Light people say, that they stand to the Confesion of Faith in every point? The New Light party do not deny it.———Wherein lies the difference?

1 The Old Light party say, that the civil Magistrate hath a right to call Church courts, and sit in them; and also to punish all heretics and errors, even to bodily punishment. Moreover, they say, that the Covenants, National and solemn Leauge: sworn above 50 years ago, are as binding upon us to his day, as they were upon them by whom.

  • They hold Justification by free grace, only

thro' the sacrifice of Christ, received by faith. The dissenters & Independants hold the same.

See Confession of Faith, chap.23, sect 3.