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Of the Predobaptists.

They baptize tone till the person actually profess faith in Christ, according to Matth. xxviii 19. Mark xvi 16. In baptism they dip, or immerse the whole body in water, in imitation of John's baptism, Matth iii 16. Their teachers and church office bearers, are chosen from among themselves in every particular meeting, which forms a church, in which all controversies are solved. The manner of their church discipline and censures are recorded in Matth. xvii. and xxviii. 2 Cor. xi−l Cor v &c.

They say, though none can be saved but those who repent, believe, and obey the gospel; yet faith repentance, and good works, are no ground or condition of a sinner's justification before God, but resteth alone upon the eternal decree of free grace. They receive the Lord's upper weekly———But are improperly called Anabaptists; for the Anabaptists are another Sect who baptize all their members every year. The Latin word Anno from which Anabaptist is derived, signify the year; and therefore that denomination may more plainly be rendered Yearly Baptist.