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"be saved." And therefore, as he was persuaded that he did believe we Gospel, he saw no reason to doubt of his salvation."

He had a peculiar talent for religious poetry, and published a new version of the Psalms of David in more adapted to the Christian dispensation: in which he applies all the psalms to Christ and his church.

He also published a volume of Spiritual Songs, to the tunes of the most common songs, sung by the young women of Fertecairn at their wheels to prevent them from prostituting their musical talents on profane or senseless subjects. He died but a few weeks ago, on a Sabbath morning, going from his own house to their place of worship, in Edinburgh.

Of the Arians.

They have their name from one Arius, a Lybirn by birth, and a Presbyter of Alexandria by profession. This heresy brake out under the emperor Constantine, 290 years after Christ, and over ran a great part of the world; being opposed by none, for some time, but the famous Athanasius, an eminent father of the church at the time; who composed an admirable Creed in opposition to the Arian doctrine: their errors were condemned in the council of Nice,