Page:New history of all religions.pdf/6

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6—Or Pennance, or afflicting the body for sin, by fasting, the black stool, sack gown, black hood &c.

7—Of keeping holidays, and eating no flesh in Lent, in memory of our Lord's fasting forty days in the wilderness

8—Transubstantiation, or that the bread and wine in the Lord's Supper, are turned into Christ's real body and blood, by the Priests prayer.

9—Holy Magistrates, os that Churchmen should have power over states.

10—Of Nunneries, Monasteries, &c. or houses where holy Virgins live retired from the world of mankind: no man being permitted there but the Priests.

11—0f many orders of Priests 1 The Pope———2 Arch Cardinals———3 Arch Bishops———4 Ordinary Bishops———5 Priests——— 6 Friars———7 Monks, &c

They hold, that there is no salvation out of their church; and adore particular places, Relics of the dead, Wells, Saints, Tombs &c, and go on pilgrimage to them.

They believe that the souls of unbaptized Children, wander or hover about in the air till the last day.