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morning; and such will be fact, if the papers be be put in any dry, warm situation.

The Cut Lace joined.

Conceal a piece of lace in your hand; then produce another piece of the same pattern; double the latter, and put the fold between your fore-finger and thumb, with the piece which you have concealed, doubled in the same manner; pull out a little of the latter, so as to make a loop, and desire one of the company to cut it asunder. If you have conveyed the concealed picce of lace, so dexterously as to be undetected, with the other between your thumb and fore-finger, the spectators will, naturally enough, think you have really cut the latter: which you may seem to make whole again, while repeating some conjuring words, and putting away the two ends of the piccc that is actually cut.

How to suspend a Ring with a burnt thread.

The thread having been previously soaked two or three times in common salt and water, tie it to a ring not larger than a wedding-ring. When you apply the flame of a candle to it, though the thread burn to ashes, it will yet sustain the ring.

A whimsical trick.

Take salt-petre an ounce, cream of Tartar an ounce, sulphur half an ounce, beat them to pow-