Page:New letter-writer, or, Gentleman and Lady's instructor.pdf/20

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From a young Lady to her Father, expostulating against a Proposal of Marriage to her:

honoured sir,
I never till now thought it could be a pain to me to anſwer any Letter thet came from my dear Papa; but this laſt of your's diſtreſſes me to the laſt degree, an I know not how to ſend an anſwer that is conſiſtent with the duty I owe, and the affection I bear, to the beſt of parents, without, at the ſame time, offering up my ſincerity, and making a ſacrifice of my peace and happineſs. Ah! dear Sir, reflect, do reflect on the real worth and uſe of riches, Do they purchaſe health? Do they purchaſe peace? Do they purchaſe happineſs? No—Then, why am I to barter health, and peace, and happineſs, for riches? The man you propoſe to me, I know, you would never have thought on, but for his immenſe wealth, for he has nothing elſe to recommend him; and I, who can live upon a little; I, who at preſent, have no canker in my heart, and am happy in the company of my dear Papa and Mamma, can never think of giving up this peace and tranquility, and of throwing myſelf at the mercy of a brute, that I deteſt, for the ſake of being worth a large ſum of money that I do not want, and can make no uſe of.—