Page:New letter-writer, or, Gentleman and Lady's instructor.pdf/24

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In the Name of GOD, Amen. The —— day of — One thouſand, eight hundred, and —

I, John Smith, of the Pariſh of St. —— in the City of London, baker, being in health of body, and of ſound mind and memory, Do make this my Laſt Will and Teſtament; at the ſame time utterly revoking all former Wills made by me, declaring this to be my Laſt Will and Teſtament.

Firſt, I give and bequeath to my ſiſter, Ann Smith, the ſum of two hundred Pounds Sterling.—To my ſiſter, Mary Smith, two hundred Pounds Sterling.—To my brother, Charles Smith, three hundred and fifty pounds; and to my two executors, twenty pounds each for their trouble. And laſtly, after all my juſt debts are paid, I give and bequeath the the whole reſt and reſidue of my eſtates, whether real or perſonal, and all my ſtock in trade, and every thing I am poſſeſſed of, whatſoever and whereſoever, to my well and truly beloved wife, Jane Smith. At the ſame time I do appoint Mr. John Dakin, banker, and Mr. Peter Gimble, mercer, of the ſame pariſh, joint Executors of this my Laſt Will and Testament; to which I have here unto ſet my hand and ſeal, this —— day of —— in the year of our Lord, one thouſand eight hundred and —— John Smith.

Signed, Sealed, and Delivered,
L. M.
in the preſence of us,
