Page:New letter-writer, or, Gentleman and Lady's instructor.pdf/4

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To the Royal Family:

To the King's moſt Excellent Majeſty,—Sire, or, May it please your Majesty.

To his Royal Highneſs the Prince of Wales,—Sir, or, May it please your Royal Highness.

In the ſame manner to the reſt of the Royal Family, altering the Addreſſes according to the different tasks and degrees of dignity.

To, the Nobility:

To his Grace A, Duke of B—, My Lord Duke, or, May it please your Grace; or, Your Grace.

To the most Noble Marquis of K—; My Lord Marquis or Your Lordship.

To the Right Hon. the Earl of C—, My Lord, or, Your Worship.

To the Right-Hon. the Lord Viſcount M—, My Lord or, Your Worship.

The ſons of Dukes, Marquiſes, and the eldeſt ſons of Earls have by courteſy the title of Lord, and Right Honourable; and the title of Lady is given to their daughters.

The younger ſons of Earls, the ſons of Viſcounts and Barons, are ſired Honourable, and all their daughters, Honourable.