temptations. What has not ſuch a father to anſwer for? And all this for the ſake of indulging himſelf in an idle, careleſs, and ⟨thoughtleſs⟩ habit, that cannot afford the leaſt ſatisfaction beyond the preſent hour, if in that, and which muſt be attended with deep remorſe, when he comes to reflect. Think ſeriouſly of theſe things and in time reſolve on ſuch a courſe as may bring credit to yourſelf, juſtice to all you deal with, peace and pleaſure to your mind, comfort to your family; and which will give, at the fame time, the higher ſatitfaction to
Your careful and loving Father.
To a friend, on occaſion of his not
anſwering his letters.
Dear Sir,
It is ſo long ſince I had the favour of a line from you, that I am under great apprehenſions in relation of your health and welfare. I beg you, Sir, to renew to me the pleaſure you uſed to give me in your correſpondence; for I have written three letters to you before this, to which I have received no anſwer, and am not conſcious of having any way diſobliged